Comparing Eduaide.Ai and ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) that has revolutionized how we interact with Artificial Intelligence. With over 100 million users, many have witnessed the power and promise of generative AI. Any technological intervention, however, has both positive and negative effects; these effects are further amplified when the technology has the power of LLMs that we’ve observed. As an EdTech company primarily concerned with generative AI, we are left with questions about how this technology can be used to improve teaching and learning and where the ethical, instructional, and logistical boundaries are.

Should You Use Eduaide.Ai over ChatGPT?

Well, it depends. Every technology has its unique affordances, and there are certainly some use cases where ChatGPT would be preferable. In fact, Eduaide.Ai uses some OpenAi products. However, there are simply limitations to ChatGPT’s utility in the instructional planning context. The chat interface, for example, does not lend itself to the lesson planning workflow nor does the chat history format for saving content. The purpose of this article is to mine those differences and examine how Eduaide.Ai builds atop LLMs to offer an intuitive platform for AI-assisted lesson development.

Built-in Resources

Eduaide.Ai features a library of various teaching resources. We remove the friction of prompt engineering and the necessity of user expertise with AI. Through our prompt structures and user interface, we set parameters for high-quality generative educational resources and cut the time for sourcing those materials so that teachers can focus on more pressing matters like exploration, personalization, and revision.

Language Model Agnostic

There is much competition in the LLM space. Which model will offer the best value for our users needs to be clear-cut. As such, Eduaide.Ai internally uses numerous models from different vendors. This degree of model agnosticism allows us the flexibility to provide the best tool for the job all within one application.

Revise and Remix Generative Outputs

Chat interfaces are helpful in many cases. However, sometimes you need to edit a generated response. Eduaide.Ai enables users to edit and transform responses right in the workspace. We even offer a suite of personalization tools to assist you in this task.

or ChatGPT
  1. 1. In-Context Learning and Research-Informed Resources

    When using ChatGPT you must know what to ask to get the response you want. The internal logic and context of the input largely determine the quality of the output. This is a time-consuming, iterative process that is hard to reliably replicate over the diverse range of resources that a teacher needs. Eduaide.Ai removes that barrier to entry so that teachers may focus on personalizing and differentiating generative resources to suit their unique needs instead of requiring extensive professional development in prompt engineering and instructional design. Eduaide.Ai provides a curated set of resource types that integrate best practices from existing literature in the Science of Learning as discerned by our research, collaboration with our advisory board, and continued feedback from users. Foundation Models are limited and should not be used as the exclusive creators of educational resources. The outputs of generative AI require honing and feedback. In essence, they require personalization. The act of instructional planning under these circumstances becomes one of refinement, revision, and remixing. This generative AI workflow dramatically reduces the cost of experimentation. On a platform such as Eduaide, the generative resources are designed such that they expose the user to a range of instructional techniques available in a given circumstance. Moreover, features like suggested resources and “Enhance” enable teachers to better explore the instructional possibilities of any given topic.

  2. 2. Eduaide.Ai is LLM Agnostic

    While GPT is the popular and cost-effective LLM today, its utility may wane as the AI tool space expands. Eduaide.Ai is built such that we may swap models in and out as needed to best suit the requirements of each resource. This level of modularity enables our users to interact with a range of LLMs all in one platform. This, of course, is compared to ChatGPT where you are limited to the model used by OpenAi and thus unable to leverage other providers.

  3. 3. Output Editing, Organization, and Granular Control

    ChatGPT is, at its core, a chat interface. This is great for many things, but not for editing provided text. With ChatGPT you must export the output, make changes in a text editor or word processor, and then decide if you want to leverage the AI again to personalize the revised output, which means that work would have to be re-imported and then exported again if the additional outputs require further editing. This is a friction point in the use of AI for instructional planning. Eduaide.Ai has a built-in text editor that allows you to edit generative outputs within the web application. This enables users to interface with the AI in real-time as they make revisions and alterations to generated content on a granular level in the same workspace as where the LLM generates material.

  4. 4. Eduaide.Ai is made by teachers

    Eduaide.Ai is not a company where technologists are coming into education with prescriptive measures that do not reflect instructional realities. Rather, Eduaide.Ai is created by teachers who work in collaboration with engineers and designers. Compared to ChatGPT, we understand how teachers spend their time and the challenges that lead to burnout and attrition. This means that we are continually fine-tuning the application to maximize its utility based on what we learn in research, from using the application in our own teaching, and also from feedback and collaboration with teachers like you. ChatGPT is a general-purpose tool that can be used for many things, but Eduaide.Ai is a tool built specifically for teachers and their needs.

Take back your time.

Create educational content, offload time-consuming tasks to your AI teaching assistant, and never worry about "writers block" when creating teaching resources again.